Zanotta Sacco

zanotta sacco 50th Anniversary
It’s been 50 years since the Bean Bag was invented (!) and Jarrod Lim Design was invited to create an update to the original Sacco produced by Zanotta as part of this celebration.
The theme for the design was Urban Living the Asian Way so we thought about what is something that’s typically Asian? Something you experience in every modern Asian city but probably don’t notice it? It wasn’t easy but finally we came up with the idea of the beaded car seat cover. Something we’ve all had the pleasure (or pain?) of sitting on at some point. And almost always in a taxi!
The simple, beaded seat cover represents the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Asian culture. It’s continued usage demonstrates just how ingenious and effective it really is as it has become ubiquitous worldwide. Almost everyone can recall a time where they experienced one.